I love rice pudding. Absolutely love it. Whenever I'm home from hospital (ie. OFTEN these days!), it's my go-to food. I really could eat it morning, noon and night. This recipe comes from the Giles' cookbook from their time in Venezuela. It's pretty darn good. Be careful to stir, stir, stir your milky mixture as you cook it though so as not to burn your pudding. Nobody likes burnt rice pudding, trust me. The thing about making rice pudding is that you have to take your time, follow all the directions to a “T” and know your stove-top enough to be able to tell if the pudding is getting too hot or not hot enough. Having a nice, thick-bottomed pot will also work leaps and bounds in your favour. This recipe really does have a lot of stirring, so I tend to set up shop at the stove with a stool and a good book :) Today, however, I'm watching a movie on Netflix about an American man whose job is outsourced to India... it's fantastic. If you're looking for a fun movie to watch, check out "Outsourced". Bon appétit!
1 cup basmati rice
2 cups water
7 cups milk
4 cinnamon sticks + 1 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
Alternative additions: 1 tsp. vanilla, raisins, currents, rum, whipping or 1/2 and 1/2 cream for part of the milk, nutmeg, cardamom, fresh fruit etc. I tend to like my rice pudding pure and simple, but feel free to be creative!
1. In a large, heavy pot, boil your rice and water for 7-8 minutes.
2. Add the milk and cinnamon and boil again for another 15-16 minutes - stir frequently. VERY frequently.
3. Add sugar and cook for 30 minutes. Again, stirring very frequently.
4. Add salt and cook for another 2 minutes. Add your vanilla. Stir, stir, stir.
5. Remove from heat and cool. Yum!
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