Friday, September 17, 2010

Chicken Quesadillas ... Olé!

Tonight for dinner we had super easy, super yummy chicken quesadillas.  I was a little sad that we didn't have any sour cream or yogurt to accompany them, but hey, what can you do. Quesadillas are also pretty tasty with salsa, pico de galo or guacamolé. We like to make our quesadillas on our griddler which is a super handy little appliance that cooks both sides at once (a la George Forman) and means that you don`t have to master the slightly tricky quesadilla hand flip. You can also serve up your quesadillas as appetizers if you`re feeling keen. I hope that the proportions for the spices are right because this is a hand-made Giles` recipe and I`m more of a `dash of this` and a `dash of that` kind of cook. Bon appétit!

Ingredients (makes 4):
- 1 piece of boneless skinless chicken
- 4 large whole wheat tortillas 
- pepper (either red or green), chopped
- green onion, finely chopped
- 1/2 cup lentils
- 1 cup mozzarella cheese
- 1 tbs. cumin (to taste... not exactly sure on this one)
- 1 tbs. chili  (again, to taste... )
- plain yogurt or sour cream 
- 1 tbs. olive oil

1. Boil lentils until soft and tender, rinse clean.
2. While lentils are boiling, boil your chicken. When cooked through, shred with 2 forks.
3. Combine all of your ingredients (save the tortillas and yogurt/sour cream) in a large bowl. Toss to coat with the spices. 
4. Brush one side of the tortillas with olive oil. Fill one 1/2 of the non-oiled side with approx. 1/2 cup of filling, sprinkle with cheese. 
5. Either cook on a grill or in a frying pan with a light coat of olive oil. If cooking in a frying pan, cook on medium heat and cook each side until golden brown.

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